The Bad Guy Wins in This One - Chapter Twenty One (Marco)
“Do you see it?” Hargrave asked Marco. The Doctor stared intently at the information before him, mentally reconstituting their actual meaning from the numbers. There was »
“Do you see it?” Hargrave asked Marco. The Doctor stared intently at the information before him, mentally reconstituting their actual meaning from the numbers. There was »
“Hey Booster, can I get more juice?” called Yves Alexander. There was a very slight Redarctic accent, betraying where he grew up despite the dark skin »
Director Levitt looked down at the files in shock. Steven Foster, Patrick Williams, and Katherine… Foster now I guess. They’re alive and coming back to »
May felt the pavement rolling under her, the slight shiver rolling through her as she approached the plane caused by more than the chill of Redarctica’ »
Jared had never tasted such good steak in his life, though that was probably only because he hadn’t had any in so long. The succulent »