The Bad Guy Wins in This One - Chapter Fifty One (Jared)
The stealth copter’s whisper was quiet enough that Jared could barely hear Patrick’s proclamation as they flew by. He winced at the cliché, but »
The stealth copter’s whisper was quiet enough that Jared could barely hear Patrick’s proclamation as they flew by. He winced at the cliché, but »
“I think we have a problem,” said a voice from the cockpit. “A big one.” The accent was thicker than Mirkoff’’s but not nearly as »
President Robins took less than thirty seconds to decide following the first reports coming in of the mass deaths, perhaps spurred along by Admiral Tyland slumping »
“Hello, Malakai, how are you today?” Lukas asked nicely. It was a stupid question, Lukas knew full well, given the circumstances Malakai was in. But Malakai »
Karim was hiding in a sandy ditch with his grandfather. The monsters had come to his village only hours before, killing everyone in sight. At least, »